"You Two and We Two are Life-long Mates": Gender Images and Pairing Ideals in Miao Songs from Southeastern Guizhou Language EnglishTags: song languagelinguistic sign in actiongender imageMiaosoutheastern GuizhouTitle of Publication: Journal of History and AnthropologyAuthor: Mei-ling CHIEN (National Chaio Tung University)Year: 2007Volume: 5Number: 2Page: 115-149Full Text Download (PDF): Jour-05.2.A04.pdf
Voices, Boundaries and the Chinese Writtern Genealogy among the Miao of Eastern Guizhou Language EnglishTags: written genealogyvoicesboundariesMiaoSouthwestern ChinaTitle of Publication: Journal of History and AnthropologyAuthor: Mei-ling CHIEN (National Chiao Tung University)Year: 2006Volume: 4Number: 2Page: 99-125Full Text Download (PDF): Jour-04.2.A04.pdf