Writing Histories of the "Southwest": Reconstruction and Dialogue between Two Paradigms of History Language EnglishTags: Paradigmatic HistorySouthwest Chinahistorical narrativesBo and BaiLegends of Zhuge Liang and ancient IndiaTitle of Publication: Journal of History and AnthropologyAuthor: Ruizhi LIAN (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)Page: 39-70Full Text Download (PDF): Jour-16.1.A02.pdf
Accumulation and Aggregation in the Construction of Local Narratives of Ancient History: The Historical Narratives of the Ancient State of Yue and Their Interpretation Language EnglishTags: historical narrativesancient Yue statelocal knowledge systemaccumulation and aggregationTitle of Publication: Journal of History and AnthropologyAuthor: Xiqi LU (Xiamen University)Year: 2013Volume: 11Number: 2Page: 23-83Full Text Download (PDF): Jour-11.2.A02.pdf