Protected by Ancestor and by Text: The Orthodox status of the Lingguan Deity in Genealogies from Xiangtan County since the Qing Language EnglishTags: OrthodoxyLingguan deitygenealogyAncestortextTitle of Publication: Journal of History and AnthropologyAuthor: Yao CHEN (Xiamen University)Page: 73-96Full Text Download (PDF): Jour-14.2.A03.pdf
The Origins of Wasi Tusi: A Border Study of Histories, Myths, and Legends Language EnglishTags: historical mentalitygenretextborder studyhistory and mythTitle of Publication: Journal of History and AnthropologyAuthor: Ming-ke WANG (Academia Sinica)Year: 2004Volume: 2Number: 1Page: 51-88Full Text Download (PDF): Jour-02.1.A03.pdf